Quick and Easy Chicken Fried Rice

Life is busy. Crazy busy. It doesn’t matter who you are or how complicated your life is, it’s probably still full of things you want to accomplish every day. I know mine is. I have about a million and one things I want to cross off my list every day. I’m lucky to get 2 or 3 of those done. I have post its all over our house. Full lists. Lists of things to be done today. Lists of things that must be done first! Grocery lists. Lists of things to do when I have time. So. Many. Lists. I have to regularly consolidate them.

So when it comes to dinner, I like to keep it simple. Ingredients need to pretty much be something I’ll usually find in my pantry. Or stuff that I can buy and not have to waste a bunch of leftover ingredient. I hate wasting. It also must be fairly simple. Once you get past a certain number of steps, you lose me – usually. Even cook times that are too long are questionable. It’s gotta be THAT easy to make, or THAT good for me to put up with something that cooks for an hour or longer.

An hour is a long time, people. When I get home from work, I’m usually ready to eat anything in sight. Don’t make me wait. Or I’ll eat an entire cake while waiting. Not good.

So with that in mind, here’s a tasty, quick and easy recipe for fried rice.

I love me some good fried rice. It’s always something I’ve wanted to be able to make at home. The only problem is that so many recipes call for a list of ingredients that includes too many things that I don’t usually have and/or has directions that are more complicated than I am interested in dealing with. So this recipe cuts way down on the ingredients and is quite simple. Once the rice is cooked, your golden.

And to make it even more simple, I use chicken from a rotisserie chicken (that I’ve most likely already made one meal out of in its original form). Now that’s what I call thrifty.

Chicken fried rice

6 cups cooked white rice
8 tbsp olive oil
4 eggs
2 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
6 tbsp soy sauce
2 1/4 cup chicken (I use leftover rotisserie chicken)
1/2 cup chopped green onion

1. Cook rice according to package.
2. In a bowl, beat salt and pepper with eggs
3. Heat 4 tbsp of olive oil over medium-high heat. When hot, add eggs and lightly scramble.
4. When eggs are cooked, remove them to a separate plate. Clean off pan.
5. Add 4 tbsp of olive oil to pan.
6. Add rice to olive oil and stir for a minute.
7. Add soy sauce, chicken, and green onion. Combine.

Note: You can add more soy sauce if you like. I prefer a combo of low sodium and full sodium soy sauce to get a fuller flavor without quite as much sodium.

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  1. Congratulations! I have just nominated you for a blog award! If you would like to accept and participate, check it out here 🙂 http://carlasueeatsweet.wordpress.com/2012/08/02/one-lovely-blog-award/

  2. Okay this sounds effing delicious. I must try this sister, thanks for sharing!

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